Have you ever stopped and wondered, "Where did all my money go?" I know at times it may seem like you have complete control, over all your money, because you have this solid plan that you stick to. You know the one. That incredible plan that you worked out in your head. In my opinion, I feel like those invisible plans, are the reasons why, all money relationships, even exist.
My thought is, when a detailed record of such a great level of mental work is not being kept, at times, it can put you at a disadvantage, because there are times when you will just forget. A perfect example can be forgetting to pay a utility bill.
Think about it. You already know what your expenses are. You already know the amount of money you make. Why not take the time to write these amounts down?
Here is another reason why I think this is a good idea. Sometimes when you can see what your actual numbers look like on paper, from a financial standpoint, things can look quite different from what you envisioned in your mind. Once you know where you stand financially, you will know where your money is going, how your money is being spent, and what changes you need to make.
One of the best ways to keep up with your finances is by creating your own budget sheets. You can download a nice set for free from this website: consumer.gov
Once you are there on the website you should see the name of that page: Make a Budget Worksheet. Underneath this title you should see a statement saying
"Use this worksheet to see how much money you spend this month. also use the worksheet to plan for next month's budget" (consumer.gov).
Underneath the previous statement you should see a link. That link, is the link you should click on so you can download your own set of the budget worksheets.
This is not written in stone, you download any free budget sheet that you want. I just wanted to make sure I included a link in case you wanted a free set of budget sheets.
After you get all your figures listed on your sheet, you will see just exactly where your money is going, what you have left over after expenses are paid, and what areas you need to make adjustments in so that your money will be more beneficial for you.
I hope this post was helpful in some way.
Until Next Time. Enjoy Loving and Living Life.