Beautify Your Home With These: Part 4

50 Items to Beautify Your Home: Part 4: 31 - 40

Part of the process of coming into who you truly are has a lot to do with the items you surround yourself with. What I mean when I say this, is this. When you pick and choose the decorative items you want within your living spaces, what is it exactly, that attracts you to those specific items?

Is it the colors? The textures? Is it quality? The price? Or is it the beauty of the items that draws you to them? The reason I bring this up is because at the end of the day, it will be you who will have to accept the choices you have made. So....... wouldn't it be better to bring out your style, your taste within your living space?

Do not get stuck in the cycle of consistently getting stuff just to fill in an open area because, these things will not flow with your natural creative flow and these things will hinder you from clearly seeing how you want your living spaces to look.


Just in case you may have forgotten about something that you needed,  below you will find my next list of ten items that can be added  throughout your home, or you can add which ever items you pick to your shopping list.

31. Space Savers: When you are choosing space savers especially for the bathroom, it makes sense to get one with cabinets and looks nice within the space. Think about the look you are going for before you choose the style and color you want. 

If I am going to be storing any items over the toilet, I prefer to use space savers that have cabinet doors. This way I am protecting my items from getting splash on and they will remain clean.

32. Freestanding Cabinets: These are pretty handy pieces of furniture. I think the best ones to have are the ones that can be decorative and have multiple purposes.

33. Portable Closets: Not every room will have a closet and this can be where portable closets come in. In my opinion, the best ones to get are constructed well, sturdy, have shelves and are beautiful.  

When shopping for portable closets, you want to make sure the closet is affordable and it can hold a decent amount of weight for storing clothing and footwear.

34. Towel Holders: These can add a touch of niceness to your bathroom especially when your decorative towels are on them. In my opinion, the towel holders {the ones you mount or attach to the wall}  makes your bathroom look more organized.

35. Toilet Paper Holders: Who knew there would be so many options to choose from. The toilet paper holders can be regular, stylish, freestanding, and there are some that come with a dispenser. Choose the one you like.

36. Wastepaper Baskets: The woven trash baskets are the ones I like the most because they can be used in almost any room and I like the way they look. Try to make sure that the one  you choose fits in well with your furnishings and decor.

The woven trash baskets that I have used, matched and it didn't matter what room I placed them in. I also made sure that the trash baskets came with a liner attached on the inside. The liner protects the baskets from getting damaged. This helps your baskets to last longer.

37. Wine Goblets: These can easily be put on display on a shelf in your kitchen or dining area. I like the clear ones, but I prefer the goblets that come in different colors.

38. Dinner Plates: Your dinner plates can help you to create a beautiful table setting on your dining room or kitchen table. You also  add plate holders {for hanging plates on the wall} to them and hang them on your wall. Plates and plate sets can come in many designs. You will have plenty to choose from.

39. Curtain Rods: You can use curtain rods to hang multiple layers of curtains {usually one or two layers}in front of your windows. Make sure you take measurements so you don't end up with the wrong sizes {length and width}.

I usually go for the stainless steel curtain rods because I like the way they look, they are stronger and they match most doorknobs.

40. End Tables: For me, I would rather go with the ones that include have drawers and or doors. I also prefer the end tables because they can also be used in more than one space. I really like the cherry wood color the most.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope it has assisted you in some way. I thank you for stopping by. 

Until Next Time. Enjoy Loving and Living Your Life.