I cannot remember exactly when I started using Vitamin E Oil, but I do remember the reasons why I became a fan of this amazing, healing product.
By using the Vitamin E Oil to heal the burns on my hand, convinced me that this oil is a natural healer, and it is a natural product that I can use on my skin. According to Blue Cliff College (2023), these are the 7 benefits that you can get from using Vitamin E Oil.
1. Great Lip Protector
Because of Vitamin E’s soothing and hydrating properties, it serves as a great barrier to your lips (blueccliffcollege.edu, 2003).
2. Skin Moisturizer
By applying a small amount of Vitamin E oil to your skin daily, you will notice visible changes in the look and feel of your skin (blueccliffcollege.edu, 2003).
3. Calms Inflammation of the Skin
The anti-inflammatory effects of Vitamin E can help with swelling or redness of your skin (blueccliffcollege.edu, 2003).
4. Protects Skin From UV Rays
Vitamin E is known to be effective for photoprotection. This means that it will protect your skin from the harmful, skin-damaging effects of radiation from UV light (blueccliffcollege.edu, 2003).
5. Heals Wounds
You may be surprised to learn that Vitamin E may also support healing wounds or burns on the skin. That’s because Vitamin E alters your connective tissue growth factor and controls your gene expression (blueccliffcollege.edu, 2003).
6. Reducer of Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Since Vitamin E does wonders for dry skin, it is also beneficial for reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots (blueccliffcollege.edu, 2003).
7. Improves Nails
Not only is Vitamin E great for the skin, but it can also help repair damaged nails (blueccliffcollege.edu, 2003).
In my opinion I think it is always best to use natural products that improve the health of your skin. If it was not for me seeing and going through the actual healing process myself, I would have never known just how beneficial Vitamin E Oil could be.
I hope this post has been helpful to you in some way.
Until Next Time, Enjoy Loving and Living Life.