About Your Classified Ad Submissions
Before submitting your advertisements, proofread them one more time to make sure you have not missed any misspelled words. You can use this opportunity to find any errors you may have and to make any last-minute edits to your classified ad or ads.
Should you submit advertisements that contain misspelled terms, such misspelled words will appear in your advertisement or advertisements just as they are. Just proofread your adverts before submitting them to make sure this does not happen..
If you are getting more than one classified ad listed, make sure the ads are not directly following one another. The ads should be spaced apart so that we know where each ad starts and ends. The space between the ads creates a separation between them so that they can be easily identified by the ones who are listing the classified ads for you.
Ad Number 1: Your 40 words can create a classified ad.
(space between ads here)
Ad Number 2: Your 40 words can create a classified ad.
(space between ads here)
Ad Number 3: Your 40 words can create a classified ad.
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